
Intention. It's august already! 8 months into the year! How far along have you come in accomplishing your yearly goals?


There are 2 factors that separate those who accomplish their goals and those who do not.


1, intention. Intention is power! Without intention we will never even attempt to accomplish what we want. How do we get intention? Through clarity. We have to first be at our lowest of lowest. Sick of being sick! Tired of being tired! Then, bam! That moment of clarity hits us! Through that we have our intent.


2, support. Without a great support system we will never sustain our intent. Yeah we've tried and failed before with support, but that just means it wasn't the right support.


That's why we hire coaches. Someone who's accomplished what you want and is willing to teach you. We don't get anything worth having in life without hard work and a little help from a great support system!

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